Deb's Birthday

November 20, 2019

Debra turns 62 today. Retired 62 days ago, she is enjoying her new lifestyle. No more ten to twelve hour days going to meeting after meeting. Now the meetings she has are with the interesting people we are discovering in our travels. 

Deb has been doing a great job with her blog, updating our travels, with very little help from me.  Like her, I am enjoying our movements across the country.  The part that makes it the best for me is having such a great partner to share it with. 


In October, Deb and I celebrated our 31st wedding anniversary. Like many married couples, we bought a home raised a family, lived a relatively normal life by most standards.  Throughout our married life, I think we have complimented each other in many ways. We gave each other space when needed, shared dreams and pursued them.  The latest of which is our traveling.

Now that we are sharing such a small space, we are learning more about each other. Deb never knew how much I cussed.  Well, to be honest, I told her, when I stub my toe I cuss.  When I struggle to do a task, which often happens, with only having one arm, I cuss.  My problematic moments add up quickly, she just never spent this much time with me to notice.

Well that aside, I think we are getting along well and enjoying Deb’s retirement.  We both recognize that she is the brains of this outfit.  She does all the planning; takes care of the big decisions keeping us on track….and besides that…more importantly…she does the dishes.

I do the driving, the laundry and the complaining (it would be way too noisy if we both did it).  As we are making our way, we are learning ways to streamline our movements and setting up and breaking down the 5th wheel for travel. We keep making little adjustments to our new lifestyle, such as buying smaller amounts of groceries at a time, knowing we have little space.  It all seems to be working out.

I hope Deb, the love of my life, has a great birthday.  She has been the bright spot in my life, a true blessing… and since today was her birthday I didn’t cuss all day (Twice as much tomorrow, maybe???).