Top 3 Downsizing tips

Top 3 Downsizing tips

Spring is here so that means summer is just around the corner. That hit Tim and I pretty hard and I wouldn’t be lying if I said, panic set in. We looked around and realized that we still have a great deal to do in order to be ready to RV full time. So for the past two weeks, we have really focused on downsizing. Each of us approaches the process very differently. Today, I am going to share some tips based on my process.

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Emotions, emotions, emotions

Emotions, emotions, emotions

As we prepare, there are days that we are excited and filled with anticipation for an exciting future. Then reality hits and we are anxious and stressed about the amount of work that still needs to be done. And then there is fear; fear that we haven’t saved enough money to retire early; fear about learning to drive the rig; and fear of the unknown.

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Downsizing process

Downsizing process

Tim and I started planning for our retirement about 5 years ago. We spent quite a bit of time researching the lifestyle, types of RVs and trailers, budgets, and places to visit but very little time on what to do with our stuff. I guess we thought that part would be easy and we would have plenty of time to do it. Now that we are only a few months away from living in our RV, I can honestly say that we still have way too much stuff.

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